What kind of photographer am I, anyway?

What kind of photographer am I, anyway?

What kind of photographer am I, anyway? I'm tired of faking it and ready to make it, but I don't know what "it" is. News flash: I have no idea what I’m doing with my photography. I like portraiture, particularly of the environmental/editorial variety, but I so...
Can’t afford a camera? Get an Xbox instead

Can’t afford a camera? Get an Xbox instead

Can’t afford a camera? Get an Xbox instead Video games are basically camera simulators now, and that's awesome. This one’s going to be a little nerdy. I mean, more so than usual. I’ve been playing a lot of Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey since losing...
Hey man, how’s the job hunt going?

Hey man, how’s the job hunt going?

Hey man, how’s the job hunt going? Oh look, another out-of-work writer writing about being out of work. This story is part of my Adventures in unemployment series. I have joined the ranks of the unemployed. It came as a shock, but not a surprise. You know, like...